Monday, November 30, 2009

High School players looking for a College Team?

Please see below an email from Bruce McLane (NYAC Coach) who has started an initiative to collect college information in an attempt to promote college rugby to High School aged players. This initiative will not only encourage players to go to college but also should help us retain more players in the game. It is a great resource which should support SBROs in working with LAU’s & TU’s to keep players in the game.

The college information collected so far has been compiled into a PDF document hosted on USA Rugby’s website (see the link below) and will be updated monthly. Colleges are able to input their information into the online form and we will then export the data each month to create an updated PDF file. If you know college coaches locally, please pass on the link so they can ensure their information is included. You can also of course pass on the link to all the High School coaches in your States, for them to provide to their players.

Click Here or past the following link into your browser:

The current document is obviously a work in progress as it was compiled manually. By distributing through all our our respective rugby channels, we should get it updated, cleaned up and completed pretty quickly.

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