Friday, February 13, 2009

A BIG day for Rugby in the USA

I just finished watching Todd Clever play for the Lions in the first ever American appearance in Super 14 Rugby. He got in the second half and immediately started making plays and tackles. The Lions won the game but not before the Cheetahs gave them a run for their money.

I have to say I was nervous and excited, as if I was on the field with him. I so wanted him to do well, not just because he is a great guy but for the sake of American rugby.

He looked like he belonged on the field and he played like like he belonged on the field. He did his job and the camera loved him.

This gives me pause to think about all the kids we are coaching, reffing and helping to learn this great game and what the future may hold for them. It is one of those moments that makes long practices and headaches worth it and then some.

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