Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Board Report for 3/10/08
- Met with Columbus Parks and Rec. U-10 and U-8 Youth Rugby Summer camp is being offered in their summer 2008 Programming Brochure. They are also advertising in all public schools in the area as well. The camp dates are 6/30-7/3.
- Awarded a table at the State Parks and Rec Youth Sports Summit in Westlake in April. This will give us exposure to every parks and rec program in the State of Ohio.
- State Championships awarded to the Northcoast Rugby LLC with the City of Lakewood. Official site release to follow.
- Amherst Steele will have a brand new program starting this year. That brings two new teams to Cleveland this spring.
- USA Rugby is supporting a Rugby Ohio “Fan Zone” at the Girls State Championship, Boys State Championship and the Ohio Rugby Classic.

- Ohio has DOUBLED its referee pool in 3 months due to increased dues. New referees have attended courses throughout the state and we are currently negotiating with the ORRS to support their referee development efforts.
- The CDC has granted concussion tool kits for all high school and youth coaches in Ohio for the 2008 season. These will be coming ASAP Directly to coaches.
- New Team pack – Ohio Rugby Foundation sponsoring 10 startup kits from worldrugbyshop.com due by 3/30